Health technology

Health technology solutions have multidimensional repercussions throughout society, from people’s well-being to public finances. Solutions in this industry are also moving to cloud platforms, and Cloudamite has the top-level skills and the long experience to meet these challenges.

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ettuce is included by default with spring-boot-redis-starter, which means many companies use it without even realizing it. Your business might be relying on it right now. It’s alarming to think that critical infrastructure could be built on a library that no one is actively maintaining.
Spring Boot applications often use Lettuce by default with Spring Redis starters, which makes this issue fairly common. We found the same problem in a customer project using ReactiveRedisTemplate and LettuceConnectionFactory. Running an integration test with 100 concurrent requests, we managed to reproduce the bug.
Greetings, World! First things first! Apart from punctuation…