
Health technology

Health technology solutions have multidimensional repercussions throughout society, from people’s well-being to public finances. Solutions in this industry are also moving to cloud platforms, and Cloudamite has the top-level skills and the long experience to meet these challenges.

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Pestaudu konsultiksi! Mitä ne devaaja-konsultit ovat ja miksi sellaiseksi kannattaa hakeutua? Cloudamite kertoo!
You're staring at a bunch of unintelligible legacy code with enormous cyclomatic complexity, 5kLOC methods, no tests whatsoever, and now you need to make a change without completely breaking it. So, a massive refactoring is needed to make sense of the mess before even thinking about making the change. But how to do that safely without losing your sleep?
Elämä on täynnä kilpailua ja päätöksiä, varsinkin opintojen loppupuolella, mutta onnistuminen on helpompaa joukkueessa. Maalisuoralla ei tarvitse olla yksin, Cloudamitella kokenut All Stars -tiimi on juniorien tukena.