Cloudamite is built and owned by developers

Cloudamite is a software development and consulting expert firm based in Oulu, offering high-quality software services and consulting to its clients. The company was founded by three software developers, Antti, Hannu, and Teemu, who are still actively working with clients.

Cloudamite is fully owned by its founders and employees, with no external funding. Our core values are transparency and honesty, both towards employees and clients. Our salary model is directly tied to the amount of billing done, and it follows the same structure for all client-facing staff.

“Blow your mind, not your head.”

Antti Pohjola

Chief Technology Officer / Co-Founder
[email protected]
+358 40 8672 113

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Hannu Holappa

Senior Software Engineer / Co-Founder
[email protected]
+358 44 5752 936

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Teemu Torvikoski

Senior Software Architect / Co-Founder
[email protected]
+358 40 5638 197

Open culture

Our Business within Cloudamite is kept open. All our hourly rates can be found in our Cloudareports system. All our opportunities are posted on Slack, so everyone stays informed about how the market is developing. This is extremely important, as we all share a similar salary model based on billable hours.

Your voice matters

At Cloudamite, every employee is valued and respected. Your voice matters. Our salary system has been designed collaboratively with our employees, ensuring fairness and transparency.

We also believe in fostering a strong team spirit. Every year, we take a company retreat to Levi, giving everyone a chance to relax, connect, and recharge.

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Alkuvuodesta 2024 otimme ensimmäiset askeleet kohti Helsinkiä ja nyt olemme siinä pisteessä, että toimitilojen etsintä on alkanut ja ensimmäiset rekrytoinnit käynnissä.
Cloudamitella on alusta asti haluttu tehdä parasta mahdollista työelämää erityisesti kokeneelle ohjelmistokehittäjälle. Henkilöstökyselyn perusteella meille myönnettiin Future Workplaces -sertifikaatti osoitukseksi siitä, että teemme yhdessä meille jokaiselle mahdollisimman hyvää työelämää. Tulevaisuuden työpaikalla on hyvä olla, olisitko sinä seuraava cloudamitelainen?
Cloudamite maksaa ensimmäiseltä sairauslomapäivältä palkkaa jatkossakin, olipa sairaana cloudamitelainen tai lapsensa. Sairaana levätään.