Toughest lineup – Of course

Antti Järvinen

Plain language coder
Backend coder
Project engineer
Energy professional

Antti Järvinen masters the energy industry from many angles. He has been involved in the creation of customer information systems and has worked on projects related to Fingrid’s Datahub, the centralised information exchange system for the electricity market.

Antti is a versatile process specialist who has been responsible for the design and development of a wide range of systems and system architecture designs in the energy sector, and also has experience from process industry and mobile technologies. Even in his spare time, Antti can’t stay away from operating systems. He is a member of the Fedora Linux distribution maintenance team and contributes to the maintenance of Debian packages.

As an employee, Antti is social and dependable – he will see that the job gets done. He also has the ability to see things from the perspective of the organisations he works for. In other words, he knows how to translate his customers’ needs into the appropriate technical solutions.