
Pro SW Developer Life – Work Experience Period at Cloudamite

Cloudamite was happy to have a young student for a week on a work experience period (TET-jakso). The aim was to show a future software developer how we work and what it’s like to work as a professional. The week was mostly spent following a senior developer. Also some time was spent with a developer trainee and talking about CV and career path planning. On Friday we asked the TET trainee to write down some notes from the period. The observations were spot on!


“The teamwork style was really nice. All the developers were helping each other via Slack and Teams. It seems like it saves some really important time from developers.”

“I was here to learn what software developers actually do. I found out that about 40 % of the job is fixing errors. But with the ticketing system they made this part of the job really fast.“

“And they ask each other their opinions when adding new features or making some changes. They are also communicating with other teams to make some meetings to plan and discuss how the development has progressed.”

“Their fuel is coffee.”

“They are always keeping all the errors, code changes and reports saved and organized. It makes work really understandable and easy to fix or make any changes.”


We’re honored to have spent a week with such a young talent, giving a quick glimpse of the field and the job of a software developer. The work experience period is meant to get school kids to know work life. As you can see, it may also give seniors new views on their daily job, too, and help them appreciate good routines – and coffee.


Work Experience Period at Cloudamite revealed that developers need coffee


You next?

Are you studying and have work experience period or training coming? If you’re interested in software development and maybe have some experience in it, take us into consideration! Our office in Technopolis Elektroniikkatie pretty close to university. You can ask more via [email protected], LinkedIn, Twitter or contacting Jani or Katariina using any media.